Plot Synopsis
The plot of our film is aimed to raise a simple question; what in our lives is dream and what is reality. This is the story of Josh Masterson, who is subject of this intensive reality. Josh struggles to differentiate between the two. Stuck in between two worlds, Josh encounters Javier Martinelli, who plays the villain of the film, and as Josh gets in trouble financially, Javier is there assigned with catching a struggling Josh, is this real? Or is Josh stuck in a dream?
One possible way we shall try to give the idea that he's in a dream is because you don't actually see Javier Martinelli's face. This is done on purpose as it is commonly known that you cannot actually see peoples faces clearly in dreams. However, we do not want to make it completely seem like he is in a dream as the whole concept behind our thriller is for the audience to figure out whether or not he is in a dream.
Also, throughout the thriller we see Josh being followed or chased by Javier, however we never actually fully understand why. But we immediately feel sympathetic towards Josh and side with him and we automatically see Javier as the antagonist. Our thriller aims to make the audience think and use their own imagination to give an explanation to all the unanswered questions in our film.
Written by Thor Forster
One possible way we shall try to give the idea that he's in a dream is because you don't actually see Javier Martinelli's face. This is done on purpose as it is commonly known that you cannot actually see peoples faces clearly in dreams. However, we do not want to make it completely seem like he is in a dream as the whole concept behind our thriller is for the audience to figure out whether or not he is in a dream.
Also, throughout the thriller we see Josh being followed or chased by Javier, however we never actually fully understand why. But we immediately feel sympathetic towards Josh and side with him and we automatically see Javier as the antagonist. Our thriller aims to make the audience think and use their own imagination to give an explanation to all the unanswered questions in our film.
Written by Thor Forster
Sounds like an interesting idea. How will you show that he's dreaming?