Our first step as a production team was too create a mind map of initial ideas which gave us a base to brainstorm various different ideas. Our groups consisted of Connor, Robert and I, immediately our focus was drawn to creating a psychological thriller as this particular sub genre seemed to appeal the most to us. This is because a psychological thriller really allows you to play around with different plot lines, camera shots and soundscape. For example, by choosing to make a psychological thriller we could use an eerie underscore and really let the audiences imagination run wild. After choosing our genre we moved onto making a plot and script, which is crucial within a psychological thriller film. With our ideas from our mind map myself, Connor and Robert devised a plot for our film, this is where we really came into our own, we devised a creative narrative based around the idea of dreams. After developing the plot and putting it in script form we went into production, whilst collecting shots we analysed and edited our script, perfecting and refining it. Throughout the whole of our planning process one thing we stayed true to was developing and changing sections of our script as a group. Each decision was discussed and thought about carefully, despite the script being written by Connor, I would very much say that it was a group effort. Overall as a group I believe we performed exceptionally, each of us contributed to everything, whether it be camera shots, types of lighting or dialogue. In addition to this we shared out the tasks evenly each of us adding our unique touch to every part of the thriller.
Written by Thor Forster
Well done.